We have a young dog at home. He obeys us, comes running when we call him, stays still when we command him to do so, and we ourselves can leave the scene. He walks on his legs, sits, lies down, stands on his hind legs, and jumps in arcs. Well, yes, but how do we do that?
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Patience, patience, patience
Without patience, there is no progress. We must lead the dog. We must be his authority. We are the authority, not the creature to be feared. To train a dog is not to sink. Never use corporal punishment. It has no effect. The dog will not understand that he has let you down. It will not know how to treat you and will only become afraid of you. The same goes for yelling. Dogs don\’t like loud noises. They are afraid of it. They hear much better than we humans do. So the effect is like a big truck honking its horn next to you. Talk to the dog in a steady voice. Use the same volume for both praise and attention. The difference should be in intonation.
maďarský vorstehhund
Follow a step-by-step approach
Always teach your dog one trick, one skill. Do not teach it perfectly, but teach it to the point where you are confident that the dog understands the trick or command. Outside of teaching, test the dog. During this phase of training, repeat all commands. Alternate the order. Over and over again. Make training fun for the dog. It should be fun for you too.
Training should be a game for the dog
Training time learning new commands should be fun for the dog. Don\’t be afraid to lower your ego a bit and play. Show your dog that you enjoy challenging him. Praise, pet, and scratch the dog each time he masters a command.

Keep treats on hand. Lots of small treats. Don\’t hesitate to reward your dog every time he does something well. When he smells the treat, he will focus on your hand. Your dog will quickly realize that every time he does something you want, he will get a treat. Dogs love rewards. Once the reward principle is fully understood, the dog will begin to learn better. Be patient and may your training be successful.

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