Young people decided to take a mortgage and build their own housing instead of paying huge rent that they wanted to live in and never come back. This is always a big decision and, as a rule, a commitment to life. And by that we do not mean paying back the mortgage, but also taking care of the house and garden. This is certainly a great business and deserves a lot of consideration, joint planning and the selection of the right banking institution with the help of specialists in terms of financing the project. Talk to the house architect about your dreams, desires and your way of life so that everything is planned so that you feel really good in your home.

vysoká kuchyňská linka

A lot of space is devoted to planning the arrangement of the room, the color and style, the choice of furniture. Women focus on the space in the kitchen – here you also need to pay attention to sufficient storage space. Do not leave gaps between the kitchens. Firstly, it is difficult to maintain order, because something still fits in the hole and can not get there properly with detergent, and secondly, it is necessary to put there an empty narrow cabinet of a single centimeter, but for example, a pull-out cabinet with a wire system that allows you to store cleaning products on 2 rows. You can also use the following options: ***********
Young households are engaged in sorting waste, and a common part of the kitchen unit is a retractable hidden basket for sorted waste. Kitchen cabinets “pull” to the height. That you can not reach the top floor of the line? If you do not know where to go with the kitchen helper, which you use once a year, for example, with Christmas or Easter decorations, then our advice on the upper floors is simply to put something that you do not use much.

kuchyňský ostrůvek s jídelním koutem

The kitchen “island” is also suitable, under which you can store a lot of things.
Women should not take a pantry where they can stack a lot of useful things, including flour, sugar and durable food stocks. Some kitchen units proudly boast a pull-out pantry, but not all food can withstand the heat of the house and want to store it in the cold.