You may think that the color of the walls doesn\’t matter, but the opposite is true. Each color has its own appeal and affects people differently. Warm colors radiate energy, confidence, passion, and a kind of wildness, whereas cool colors evoke calmness, moderation, coolness, and serenity. Therefore, it is very important to match the colors of the house in order to feel comfortable in the home.

Living Room
The living room offers many possibilities. Since it is usually the largest room in the apartment, it offers lots of light and open space,making it easier to use dark colors such as dark blues, reds,andpurples.On the other hand, bright colors (yellow, orange …) can also be used to paint the living room.
Kitchen and Dining Room
The two colors that look best in the kitchen are orange, which has the effect of illuminating the room, and blue, which has an airy and bright effect.
For bathrooms, choose colors that evoke peace and relaxation without distraction. Blue ,orwhitebest fits this description, as it is of course a neutral color and fits absolutely everywhere.

Bedrooms and children\’s rooms
Since these are rooms designed for sleeping, warm colors (orange, yellow or the originalbrown, ideallyblue, which is a sign of meditation, andgreenhave already already mentioned.
Blackis not recommended as a stand-alone color and is only acceptable in combination with other less aggressive colors. It has a depressing effect and makes a space smaller. Therefore, it is a totally inappropriate candidate for any room
Conclusion – Color is an important part of our lives and time unknowingly affects our mood. So choose carefully to make your home a comfortable and inviting place.