Car fresheners not only add fragrance to the car interior, but also eliminate unwanted odors. A pleasant fragrance creates a unique atmosphere in the car and doubles the sense of happiness and good mood. What are the different types of air fresheners and how to choose the right one? [There are two types: hanging type and grill type.
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Hanging paper fragrances and bagged beaded fragrances are among the old standbys. They feature low prices, but have the disadvantage of a short shelf life. At the same time, the fragrance diffuses unevenly and remains mainly in the vicinity of where these products are located. The advantage is that they can be easily installed almost anywhere, including in rearview mirrors, door handles, and under seats. By concealing them under the seat, the aesthetics of the interior are not obstructed by unwanted elements.
Installation of the Grill Freshener is a bit more complicated than earlier types, but still very easy. The price is slightly higher, but the fragrance lasts longer because of the gradual release of the fragrance. The intensity of the scent can be adjusted either by the power of the air conditioner or by a regulator located directly on the freshner. The latter is more expensive. The advantage of this type is that you do not always need to buy the entire product, only a refill.
So how do you choose? Keep in mind that fragrances vary both in the store and in the car, and above all, your personal senses should be valued. Perfume should promote a pleasant mood, positive energy, and cleanliness.
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Also, choose air fresheners by strength. Heavy, strong fragrances are definitely not suitable for prolonged stays in the car. After a while, you may get a headache. Therefore, it is better to choose mild natural fragrances that are not too strong. Some air fresheners are designed to refresh the body and prevent driver fatigue.
The most important factor to consider when choosing is durability. The ideal aromatization period should be at least one month. This will provide some peace of mind until a new model is purchased, while at the same time ensuring that the fragrance is strong enough.